As New York State reopens for business, let’s make safe mobility a priority.

Please Sign Our Petition to Widen Route 17
to Add a Lane and Ease the Pain!

We’ve all been there – weekdays, weeknights, weekends – sitting in traffic on Route 17. It’s only going to get worse.

New York’s Orange and Sullivan counties are experiencing rapid growth in population, tourism and economic activity. Now, we’ve reached a fork in the road: invest in our infrastructure to move forward, or sit idly by and miss out. Government-issued reports cite the critical need to widen Route 17 to enhance our safety, quality of life and economic well-being.

Our Coalition – 17-Forward-86 – has more than 200 members representing thousands of people advocating for a third lane across Orange and Sullivan counties and we’re asking New York State to set aside the funding for these necessary upgrades – it’s a small investment that will have a huge impact on our region for generations. We’re making progress: The Department of Transportation has selected an engineering firm to begin a preliminary review of improving mobility on Route 17. We’d been lobbying for this study, which will lay the technical groundwork to make this project a reality.

As New York State reopens for business and companies continue to locate and expand here – creating jobs, supporting our tax base and bringing in new visitors – we must get our infrastructure up to speed. A third lane will improve access for commuters, emergency responders, travelers to our businesses and schools, and tourists, while enhancing safety and reducing environmental damage from emissions caused by idling vehicles.

We cannot afford to keep idling. Join us. Your voice counts. Sign the petition now for a third lane on Route 17.

Let’s move forward!

Tired of idling on Route 17?

Sign the petition to add a third lane!